29+ Angela Duckworth Quotes [INSPIRATIONAL]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Angela Duckworth is an expert on grit and self-control, and her quotes are often very inspirational. For example, she said, These quotes show that Angela Duckworth clearly understands the concept of grit and how important it is for achieving success. Her quotes are motivating and help people know they need to persevere to reach their goals.


Motivational Angela Duckworth Quotes

  • To be gritty is to resist complacency.
  • Stop reading so much and go think.
  • Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.
  • Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.
  • It isn’t suffering that leads to hopelessness. It’s suffering you think you can’t control.
  • One form of perseverance is the daily discipline of trying to do things better than we did yesterday.
  • Tomorrow will be better is different from I resolve to make tomorrow better.
  • Passion for your work is a little discovery followed by a lot of development and a lifetime of deepening.
  • No whining. No complaining. No excuses.
  • Passion begins with intrinsically enjoying what you do.
  • It soon became apparent that doing one thing better and better might be more satisfying than staying an amateur at many different things.
  • Nobody wants to show you the hours and hours of becoming. They’d instead show the highlight of what they’ve become.
  • As much as talent counts, effort counts twice.
  • When I get knocked down, I’ll get back up. I may not be the most intelligent person in the room, but I’ll strive to be the grittiest.


  • “The key to success is not talent. It’s not genius. It’s not even luck. The key to success is grit.” -Angela Duckworth

This quote by Angela Duckworth emphasizes the importance of grit and perseverance in achieving success. Talent and genius may give you a head start, but it takes hard work and determination to finish. Duckworth’s Ted Talk on grit has inspired millions of people to pursue their dreams with tenacity and passion. Don’t let anything stand in your way if you want something badly enough. Keep your eye on the prize, and don’t give up, no matter how challenging things get. Success is within reach if you’re willing to put in the hard work required.


Famous Angela Duckworth Quotes

  • I learned a lesson I’d never forget. The study was that when you have setbacks and failures, you can’t overreact to them.
  • When you keep searching for ways to improve your situation, you stand a chance of finding them. You guarantee they won when you stop searching, assuming they can’t be found.
  • The main thing is that greatness is doable. Greatness is many, many individual feats, each of which is doable.
  • At its core, the purpose is the idea that what we do matters to people other than ourselves.
  • Most dazzling human achievements are, in fact, the aggregate of countless individual elements, each of which is, in a sense, ordinary.
  • Without effort, your talent is nothing more than unmet potential.
  • Without effort, your skill is nothing more than what you could have done but didn’t.
  • There are no shortcuts to excellence.
  • What ripens passion is the conviction that your work matters. For most people, interest without purpose is nearly impossible to sustain for a lifetime.
  • Grit has two components: passion and perseverance.
  • Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it.
  • Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.
  • Regarding how we fare in the marathon of life, effort counts tremendously.
  • A girl who is told repeatedly that she’s no genius ends up winning an award for being one. The award goes to her because she has discovered that what we eventually accomplish may depend more on our passion and perseverance than on our innate talent.
  • Being a “promising beginner” is fun, but being an actual expert is infinitely more gratifying.
  • Do not let temporary setbacks become endless excuses.


  • “The only time you fail is when you give up. Try hard, and try again.” – Angela Duckworth.

This is one of my favourite Angela Duckworth quotes because it’s simple but powerful. It’s a reminder that no matter how often you fail, you never forget unless you give up. And even then, as long as you keep trying, you’re still making progress.

This quote is essential for people working on something complex or challenging. It can be easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going well, but if we keep pushing through and don’t give up, we’ll eventually get there.

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